Book Review: Krikos:The Vertical Horizon By Rishabh Dubey

Product Details

Format: Kindle Edition
Title: Krikos:The Vertical Horizon
Author: Rishabh Dubey
File Size: 1759 KB
Print Length: 415 pages
Sold by: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited
Language: English
Cover and Title 
A legacy form of cover shows an image of a space shuttle ind of machinery  in space , looks unique and different. The title of the book "Krikos:The Vertical Horizon " is apt and makes sense once you read out the entire plot in the book. 
As the cover of the book suggests , the theme is a science-fiction book based on space. To be exact the story happens in the year 2094 with a sublime and more stringent scientific world than what we see today. As the book describes The books describes a story that rotates around Krikos- Star Easter
Language and Narration
The language used in the book is above par standard , but one thing which actually made me think is the excellent narration in the book. Why I say , is just because of the fact that plot has been narrated in the more suttle manner which would make us believe in the facts and things which is jotted down far from where we are now.
What I Liked and Disliked
The plot overall is something which I loved reading as of making me more curious of what world we might be able to see in the future. Even though there are things which is more far than believable , I would say it's a bold move to pen it down just for the uniqueness. I was not impressed by the cover of the book nor the pace in the book. But overall a good one time read.
Book Title                        

Book  Cover           

Overall     .