Book Review: Love in the Time of Corona Virus: When nature turns in mood of revenge By Kawalpreet Kaur

Product Details

Format: Kindle Edition
Title: Love in the Time of Corona Virus 
Author: Kawalpreet Kaur 
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing; 1 edition (7 April 2020)
Language: English
  • Cover and Title 
The cover of the image shows a romantic couple wearing a mask which is I should say is pretty common during the time we live now where wearing mask is an essential for survival. Speaking about the title "Love in the Time of Corona Virus:" , I has a slight laughter when I first read this , but you people say that love can happen anywhere and at anytime so why not during the time of the pandemic. 
The story of couple Siya and Shravan which flies through different phases including being a couple and then a breakup once the family knows about it and they being in different casts. and  finally they land up the the current situation which we live in that is the pandemic of COVID19. The book theme is feel is apt to what people can relate to nowadays  , but this could be a different case if someone writes the same concept a year back people wouldn't take it so seriously. So kudos to the author to bring the book at the right time
Language and Narration
The language used in the book is simple and easy to understand and speaking about the narration I feel its at the par level where the story flashes between the past and the present life styles of the main characters.
What I Liked and Disliked
I liked the characterisation of the plot and how things changed during corona is been conveyed. I felt only the narration which could have been improved a little to make it more dramatic

Book Title                        

Book  Cover           

Overall     .