Book Review: A Marketplace For Murder By Debleena Majumdar

Product Details

Format: PDF
Title: A Marketplace For Murder Debleena Majumdar
Author: Debleena Majumdar
Publisher: Vishwakarma Publications; 1 edition (2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9388424719
ISBN-13: 978-9388424714
Cover and Title 
A mesmerising cover which shows an image of a mask which itself gills into the minds of reader and the bright read color which actually suits with the feel of the image which I felt cool to an extend. The title "A Marketplace For Murder" is itself very thoughtful word as it does makes the readers wonder of such a world.
The plot is narrated in the outskirts of Bangalore where the main character of the plot Leela face a stage thing when her friend Abhimanyu along with her cook Hiren goes missing, her husband found a suspicious info which led them move into knowing what happened to them. Now there are twist and turns into knowing what happened to them something they has never imagined.
Language and Narration
The language and the narration used in the plot is perfect in order to keep the readers interested and involved in the storyline. At no point in the plot you will feel bored , that gripping thoughts of what would happen next will draw you into the plot
What I Liked and Disliked
There is nothing specific to point out as a con in the storyline as the book does justice to the readers in keeping them indulged.

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Book  Cover           

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