Book Review: Music Men Volume 1: Badoga By Pankaj Saini

Product Details

Paperback: 300 pages
Title: Music Men Volume 1: Badoga
Author: Pankaj Saini
Publisher: Notion Press; 1 edition (30 October 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 164650979X
ISBN-13: 978-1646509799
Cover and Title 
A unique and eye catching cover which shows a people within a bottle similar to a liquor bottle. The cover does a wonderful job in gaining attention of people. The title of the book "Music Men Volume 1: Badoga " is crisp. You could get a better idea on the title once you read the book.
The story of Sartaj who is an engineer hailing from rom Haryana . His exuberance of youth is perforated within all one should be avoiding to become successful starting form Money , liquor , sex and love. There are some triggering points in everyone's life which actually when used understood and captured correctly would change a person fortunes. Such was Sartaj 's case where he was just aware of his supernatural powers and he wanted to prove his worth to the society and this made him think something no one would actually dare to do that is emblem himself and showcase himself being a superhero Badoga with the unheard and new world of Music Men. Now the question is will he be able to do justice to the new role ?
Language and Narration
The language in the book is simple and easy to understand and narration and the character interaction above par make it a worthwhile read. You do get some predictable cases here and there but the sense of humour in the plot make it into a good blend. 

What I Liked and Disliked
The cover of the book is exception and eye catching which I liked very much. I personally feel that the plot could have been improved a little bit correctly the unnecessary drags and dips in the storyline specially the first half of the book.

Book Title                        

Book  Cover           

Overall     .