Book Review : Trade and Grow Rich : Adventurous Journey to Successful trading By -Kirankumar Nayak and Indrazith Shantharaj

Product Details 

  • Format: EBook
  • Title: Trade and Grow Rich : Adventurous Journey to Successful trading
  • Author:  Kirankumar Nayak and Indrazith Shantharaj
  • Publisher: Notion Press; 1 edition (25 June 2018)
  • Language: English 
  • ASIN: B07F15RDRF

Cover and Title

Trade and grow rich -Adventurous Journey to Successful trading , the title gives the reader an idea for what the book is all about so no prices for guessing. A colorful cover adds to the advantage of the book


I picked up the book so that I can learn something new with respect to trading as I had some insights through internet articles and this book didn't disappoint me at all. Each of the chapters in the book gave me something new to learn and it was actually meant to be

Language and Vocabulary

Simple language is used to explain things which adds to the readers delight. Whenever you are learning something new a simple language is always an advantage which gives crisp and correct information to the reader and it worked well for me.

What I liked 

  • Explanation and presentation is really good for both beginners and experts.
  • The way in which the different risk of trade is explained giving though insight

What I didn't like 

  • Nothing to bring out as it was a learning experience 

My Ratings

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